Rates - Tandartsenpraktijk Carmenlaan
Rates - Tandartsenpraktijk Carmenlaan


Below you will find a list of services, codes and rates set by the Dutch Healthcare Authority 1. The rates list applies from 1 January 2024.

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You will receive your invoice from Infomedics

In our practice we are happy to give you all the attention and good care. That is why we work with Infomedics to send and collect our bills. This means that you will receive a bill for healthcare from Infomedics.

Reimbursement from your health insurer

If your health insurer reimburses part of your bill, this will be clearly stated on the bill. You pay the remainder to Infomedics. Do you have a question about the amount of the compensation on your account? Then contact your health insurer. Is there no reimbursement on the bill? Then pay everything to Infomedics and then check whether you can still submit the bill to your health insurer.

Arrange it online!

On the website of Infomedics (www.infomedics.nl) you can quickly and easily arrange many things regarding the payment of your bill, for example:

  • Checking the status of your payment Go to www.infomedics.nl. You will find the account checker directly at the top of the web page. Enter the description (number sequence) on the invoice and check whether your invoice has been paid. If this is not the case, you can pay directly via iDEAL.

  • Making a payment arrangement Infomedics applies a payment term of 30 days. If you are unable to pay on time, you can request a deferment of payment free of charge. You can also make a payment arrangement for a fee. You will also find more information about the Infomedics Payment Plan online.

  • View frequently asked questions If you have a question, you can usually find the answer under frequently asked questions. Otherwise, you can always contact the Infomedics Service Desk.

Do you still have a question? Then call the Infomedics Service Desk on telephone number 036 – 20 31 900 (Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

What will happen to your data?

We share your data with Infomedics in order to process bills quickly and correctly. Infomedics makes every effort to protect your data as much as possible, of course they comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding privacy protection. Information about how Infomedics deals with the protection of privacy-sensitive information can be found at www.infomedics.nl.

Payment conditions Infomedics

On our behalf, Infomedics sends and collects invoices for the care you have received. Of course, Infomedics complies with all (privacy) laws and regulations, both the rules that apply to us as a healthcare provider, and the rules that apply to Infomedics by law.

What are the main payment terms for your Infomedics account?

  • If possible, Infomedics may declare your bill to your health insurer. You will always see any reimbursement on the bill.

  • Infomedics expects you to pay the bill before the due date stated on the bill.

  • If you have not paid the bill before the due date, you will be in default without further notice of default being required. Because you may of course have forgotten it, you will receive a reminder asking you to pay the bill within 15 days of receiving it. If payment is not made within this set date, Infomedics will charge interest and collection costs.
  • Infomedics may first deduct your payment from the collection costs, then from the interest charged and finally from the original amount on your account.

  • Keep in mind that if you file a complaint or sign up with another healthcare provider, your bill will still eventually need to be paid. Your payment obligation cannot be suspended as a result.
  • Read more? Click here for the explanation of InfoMedics.

Contact Tandartsenpraktijk Carmenlaan

Would you like more information about our dental practice in Amstelveen? Feel free to contact us at 020-3455345 . We are available Monday to Thursday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm . Or fill in the contact form . We will respond to your message as soon as possible.